Tag Archives: morning

Goood morning!

Let’s forget about the changing weather, the coldness of the autumn that is slowly crawling in and just keep on smiling.

I find it interesting that if you fake a smile, your brain still reacts to the movement of the facial muscles and ultimately, your smile becomes real. Charles Darwin first posed the idea that emotional responses influence our feelings in 1872. “The free expression by outward signs of an emotion intensi­fies it” he believed. Mimicry. I’ll give it a try. Fake it till you make it, they say. They might be right.

Vimeo to the rescue. Let the good vibes flow.

Ezra Vine – Celeste from Robert Wallace on Vimeo.

Photo by Theodora Alexe, second prize winner of the “Faces in places” competition started by Cătălin Georgescu and powered by Experimentalist.ro.

That very morning

I had come your way.
It was you that broke the new wood,
Now is a time for carving.



Tabăra de Fotografie pentru Bloggeri a fost un eveniment organizat de Foto Union cu sprijinul Bancpost, Cosmote, Samsung Galaxy S4, Ford, F64, Booking Greece, Izvorul Cristalin. Bateriile smartphone-urilor au fost încărcate cu un gadget fain.