Tag Archives: moment


Sometimes we forget there’s so much joy in little discoveries.

We took granny to the seaside this year. It was a hard task to convince her, but all of the family joined in the campaign of changing her mind about a trip “far away from her little household”.

It’s interesting how over the course of time, one can lose the ability to hear the inner voice who answers: What would make me happy? What do I want? How did I end up here?

We finally made her go despite her repeated discourse about how she is “too old to travel” and all the other little worries that can take a lot of energy. She had an amazing time, loved the water and sand, the long walks, and had a lot of questions – as if her memory had faded completely. She did not remember how sea shells looked like, except if they were white and wavy, the same like we had brought as souvenirs. Little discoveries.

We celebrated her 75th birthday by the shore at a fancy restaurant while witnessing the fantastic moon eclipse. It could not have been more special. Her joy filled up all of ours.

I am grateful I could be part of these moments. She really enjoyed the trip, the attention, and the new sights. She is kindness itself and we are truly blessed to share life with her. I owe a big part of who I am to her.


Happy Birthday, grandma! May this be the beginning of a wonderful journey ahead! ♥️

Bâlciul de Sf. Mărie de la Piscani

Când eram mică și veneam să mâncăm vată pe băț și înghețată cu unchii mei, mi se părea că mă pot pierde pentru totdeauna în bâlci. O țineam strâns tare de mână pe soru-mea mai mică, să nu care cumva…

Era totul foarte colorat, muzica bubuia din diferite colțuri cu bâzâiturile de rigoare ale sistemelor de sunet învechite, iar țipetele și chiuiturile de groază sau de fericire te făceau să tresari la fiecare pas. Ce să mai, era o întreagă aventură să te plimbi pe câmpul uscat sub arșița de soare și să încerci să găsești vreun sens în nebunia ce te înconjura. Mai degrabă te lăsai dus de valurile de euforie și te bucurai de moment. Cei mai simpatici mi se păreau puii de căluți care erau lăsați să zburde liber pe marginea zonei cu grătare . Țin minte că țiganii din zonă se înghesuiau care mai de care în căruțe și abia așteptau să se așeze la mese la o bere rece spre fericirea puradeilor care alergau către leagăne și mașinăriile vopsite strident.

Într-o căutare surdă a atmosferei de odinioară am revenit anul ăsta exact de Sfântă Mărie. Poate că mai bine de 10 ani au trecut de când mă perindam pe la  tarabele cu acadele supra-dimensionate lipindu-mi degetele de haine.  Acum totul pare că s-a micșorat, iar timpul a trecut fără milă peste toți. Energia nu mai e debordantă, ci pare că ușor, ușor, se stinge. Bâlciul nu mai e un labirint fără de scăpare, ci are doar vreo 2-3 alei bine definite, cateva căruțe vin încărcate cu suflete entuziaste, copiii stau la coadă să se dea în lanțuri și tiribombe.

Un câine mic cerșește orice fărâmă de atenție de la trecători, pepenii sunt calzi, iar la mici ne dau bon fiscal…. SERIOS. Ne-am făcut noi mari, dar tot înapoi ne uităm cu drag.
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Mai mare dragul

Să ajungi să îți surprinzi mama cu un portret într-un context crăciunesc. Așa de mult bine face la suflet! Alină dorul, micșorează distanța, reface sincronizarea, încălzește îmbrățișarea. Zău că îmi vine să crăp de fericire și-mi ies din contur de mulțumire că reușesc să o înseninez o clipă.


Nimic. Nimic nu poate egala un astfel de moment special. Zâmbim împreună, o țin de mână și o iubesc. Enorm. Mulțumim, Cristi, pentru că ne-ai primit cu un zâmbet larg la finalul unei zile lungi.

Dacă vrei să ajungi și tu la #PortretdeFamilie, află că nu este nevoie de programare. Tot ce trebuie să faci e să ajungi cu cei dragi în perioada 14-20 decembrie 2015, în intervalul orar 18.00 – 22.00 la Villa Romana Ristorante, în piața Charles de Gaulle 3 (google maps aici).

Portret de familie este o inițiativă Foto Union.
Partenerul principal al #portretdefamilie de anul acesta este HP România căruia îi mulțumim! 🙂

Bucharest, the greener the better!

Unofficially, summer is here. We had our first thunder-wonder storm last Sunday and now the temperature never drops below 15. I call it heaven. The only downsize to it is that we still have offices to attend to. A green lunchbreak will always charge your batteries. Disconnect for a moment and let the sunshine soothe your soul.
Ah, Bucharest, sometimes…

greener sign

hunt is on


chill orange

Corners of contrast in Bucharest

Late April with long awaited sunny days. The mornings are particularly gorgeous. Crisp air with sharp light, vivid green starting to dress up the city with a sense of calmness.

No, no, no. I’m totally wrong, here comes the chaos. Morning traffic, angry faces, dark circles around hurried people’s eyes, honking, pedestrians going around the mud. Ah, they are digging up again. In the middle of the street. I find a sense of lyricism in these layers of Bucharest that are starting to show up. Let’s see: improvised mini markets behind cars with fresh fruit from gardens and steam in the air. Yes, that sounds very much like it. Like the crazy mix of the beautifully repainted theater and the mess and mud in the intersection, with the smoker woman inviting me for strawberries grown in her greenhouse and the supervised workers looking at my ass while i am crossing the street. The swearing words of the taxi driver rushing almost on my steps on the zebra and the journalist in smart clothes bumping into an old lady walking her blind dog. All of this. You have to feel it, I can only offer a glimpse.

Bucharest. I live here. I love it.

photo 1.1

photo 2.2

photo 3.3

Hola, I’m in Antigua, Guatemala.

The sight from almost landing in Panama.
Close to Panama

My first trip across the ocean and out of Europe: Don’t be nervous, everything will be just fine! I kept saying to myself. And then this became an involuntary soundtrack before my actual flights. Cheers, brain, I know I can always count on you for messing up my sleep and bringing up weird songs before any kind of travelling. 🙂

But now I am here (OMG!) and everything is so great and exciting and new and crazy different, but sometimes also out-of-this-world similar to the Romanian culture. It’s so hard to put in words. Maybe something of a harmonious chaos that we also master in Romania.

One other surprising thing, I understand a lot of the language, it’s incredible! It feels like it was all the time asleep inside of me. This learning process is very exciting for me. I only need to listen carefully and I understand the use of expressions. Love it so much! At times, I even keep up conversations for so long that I forget I am speaking Spanish. Now that’s really something 🙂

The people. Oh my, I don’t even know where to start on this topic. They are very hospitable, kind, patient, welcoming but also curious to know about you and your country. Here in Antigua they get a lot of tourists and they are used to sharing their lives with them. I have been welcomed with open arms into their houses (thank you Charly, Luis, Majo and Elizabeth), I met the extended family with aunts and uncles and cousins and grandmas. I’m enjoying small talk during meals at my wonderful home and I have the perfect view on the terrace of my room. Antigua is surrounded by volcanos (Volcan de Agua, Volcan de Fuego and Acatenango)and I am lucky enough to see them all 🙂
What can I say, guys, it was love at first sight with Antigua. Here, el Volcan de Agua, first thing in the morning.

Volcan de Agua is the most beautiful one, standing alone with its blunt peak sometimes wrapped in white clouds. The more cheeky one is called Volcan de Fuego. As his name hints, he is still active and kicking. Sometimes more than once per day. It’s far away so we can’t even hear the explosions many times, but you get such an adrenaline rush to see it by night! Mirna from Probigua Spanish School took a great photo of it the other day. I was overwhelmed at its sight to even move a muscle, but she managed to capture it! Such good timing! The Spanish language schools here in Antigua are renowned all around the world and have become one of the main industries along with tourism.

Volcan de Fuego, Mirna

So enough about how amazing this entire trip is for me, let me walk you around the places so you can get the positive vibes in wonderful Antigua. The city has well preserved Spanish colonial style buildings and many ruins of churches. During the colonial times it also served as the capital of an administrative region that covered most of Central America.

View over entire Antigua from La Cerro de la Cruz.
cerro de la Cruz view over Antigua

La Merced church.

La Merced

Antigua is well known for having elaborate religious ceremonies during important Catholic events such as Cuaresma (40 days before Easter Sunday), the Holy Week (Semana Santa), Easter. I will be here just before Easter time so I will document all the flowers, fruits, pine needles and paint artworks made by the artists to celebrate these events. Here you see Cathedral of San José which is located in the Central Park.

Flare san jose

This is the sight from Palacio de los Capitanes, Plaza Central. In the background, the beautiful Volcan de Agua.
Main Park

The main market. Love the colors of everything here. So many new veggies and fruits I had no idea about. Now wish me luck learning their names in Spanish with no Romanian equivalent. Quiero un camion de nisperos.♥

el mercado

el mercado )


As for me, I wait for good light and spy on people, I’m really enjoying myself out here. 🙂 This is fast healthy food on the street. If you like how one lady is cooking, you usually stick with her. Guacamoooooleee tortilla wrap, yum! ♥

fast food



la luz



Oh, yes, this is me during lunch break soaking up the sun as much as I can before I return home. Keep bright 🙂

Ultimele retusuri inainte de Craciun

Câțiva prichindei surprinși pe străzile Bucureștiului înainte de plecarea spre Timișoara.
Agitația momentului nu mi-a îngăduit să rămân mai mult la povești.

Ce faceți, măi, aici?
Dăm cu matura! Ne jucăm. (Hârjoneala zgomotoasă mi-a atras atenția, de fapt 🙂 )
Pupa-v-ar mama, zâmbiți! (Mă strâmb la ei și-mi oferă înapoi un moment de hlizeală simpatică)
Sărbători fericite vă doresc!