Tag Archives: 2013

Still Life. UK (2013)

If you want a light Sunday movie with happy-predictable-unrealistic line of a story, you are reading the wrong review.

This film is an ode to silence. I find that so very rare to encounter nowadays and thus, quite precious. The main character – Eddie Marsan has a striking performance as John May – is an anti-hero, mostly just a simple British bureaucrat with a slight sad expression engraved upon his face. Solemn, organised and meticulous, he works with sealing the end of lonely people’s lives by arranging their funerals. In bringing to surface their memories, he finds comfort and a sense of accomplishment from piecing together bits of their past lives. I couldn’t help but feel that the director was very much hinting at The Beatle’s “Elenor Rigby” when working with this project.

This dynamic world, however, will not have patience with his in-depth slow practices and he will have to face a life-altering situation, losing his job. How he finds life after this turning point is savorously depicted in the art of subtle details: of warm gestures (as warm as they get in an affection restrained Britain), small victories, new acquaintances and kind smiles, if ever.

I have to mention the eye- delight you get while experiencing the film because of the very clean execution of the scenes. The director of photography really worked his magic with slow movements, symmetry, geometrically beautiful British streets, calm cloudy colours, neat patterns, and wide angle shots that add an extra heavy burden to the otherwise plain life of John May.

1177689_Still-Life UK 2013

My recommendation? See it during an eve when the weather will not amplify the bitter drama you will experience from the film.

Hai sa ne adunam la Portret de familie 2013

Dacă vreți să vă fericiți rudele îndepărtate sau prietenii cu un portret zâmbitor și grăitor peste distanțe colosale sau pur și simplu simțiți nevoia unui nou instantaneu cu apropiații, veniți și lăsați-vă surprinși pentru câteva momente de magia unui nou Portret de Familie.

Eu una abia aștept să descopăr Ceainăria Lelia ( Strada Polona nr 77) – noul colț crăciunesc care va găzdui reuniunile de anul acesta ale campaniei de fotografie Portret de Familie.
Când se întâmplă minunea? Între 7 – 12 decembrie, în intervalul 18.00 – 21.00 sunteți așteptați împreună cu familia, prietenii și animăluțele preferate să vă cuibușiți pe canapeaua pufoasă și să vă zgâiți frumos la cameră pentru o carte poștală cu iz de sărbători de iarnă.

Nu știu cum se face, dar Radu și Cristi, cei care au pus umărul la construirea identității Studioului Foto Union și a comunității de oameni frumoși din jurul lor, reușesc cumva de fiecare dată să smulgă zâmbete senine și mișcări naturale chiar și în haosul specific agitației de sărbători.

Anul trecut nu am reușit să fiu prin preajma lor, dar în 2011 m-au primit cu brațele deschise și o canapea înflorată. Deja oftez a bine. Va fi emoționant să mă uit înapoi peste amintirile oferite de FotoUnion și să urmăresc evoluția “familiei” de la an la an.

Habar n-au ei câtă bucurie împart gratuit.
Mulțumim, dragilor!

Happy New Beginnings!

May you all have a Happy New Year! I wish you a better New Year with loads of wonderful experiences, fears overcome and inexhaustible curiosity.

All around the world people make plans for the new beginning, evaluate the failures of the past, promise to change their so called faults for the future. I dare you to do something else the next year, stop blaming and putting so much pressure on yourselves, I challenge you to simply be yourselves.

I had an amazingly fun time with my sister today. We were admiring and taking photos (of course) of this year’s last sunset. The magical setting was placed by an almost entirely frozen lake. Goofing around was never so joyous, as if the days would have all reached the very end.

Wish you could put my shoes on for one day, you’d see how amazing it is to have a sister and how the joy of being can actually spread the minute you are sharing it with someone else. We enjoyed every second of the last rays of sun of 2012. In laughter. Goofy approves of New Year’s Coming.

I wish you precious moments with dear people, keep them close to your hearts!
Here’s to being yourself, whatever that might mean to each and every one of you!